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Alluvione Emilia-Romagna: Croce Rossa Italiana| Disaster Response fundraising flooding in Emilia-Romagna

Raccolta fondi a supporto dei territori colpiti dall'alluvione in Emilia-Romagna

About this Giving Opportunity

Questa raccolta fondi supporta Croce Rossa Italiana e volontari che da tutta Italia hanno scelto di confluire nelle zone colpite dall'emergenza per fornire un supporto concreto. | This fundraising opportunity supports volunteers from Red Cross that are actively helping communities in the areas affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna, Italy.

How Donations Work
Click any 'Donate Now' button and then decide your donation amount. You will then be forwarded to your payment processor of choice. Once your donation has been processed, it will be sent to your charity of choice.

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