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Xylem & Americares COVID-19 Response Efforts

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As COVID-19 increases its global impact and spreads to additional communities, it is critical that all health facilities are equipped with the necessary resources to protect health workers and the patients that they serve.

Xylem Watermark has partnered with Americares, a global health-focused relief and development organization that responds to people affected by poverty or disaster with life-changing medicine, medical supplies and health programs.  

Through this partnership, we will bring water, sanitation and hygiene education to the forefront in critical care facilities on the front lines of the COVID-19 epidemic.

With Xylem’s sustained support, Americares plans to combat a global shortage and train health workers in under-resourced countries in infection prevention and control, including water, sanitation and hygiene best practices, and deliver personal protective equipment, to control the spread of COVID-19. Longer term, Americares and Xylem will partner on water and sanitation infrastructure improvements at select health facilities hard hit by the pandemic to respond to long-term water and sanitation issues and build resilience against future outbreaks.

Together, we can make a difference in fighting this epidemic. You can contribute to Xylem & Americares' efforts by donating here. 

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