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Red Cross/RCAP Kentucky Flooding Response

Fundraising for Red Cross Disaster Response

Acerca de este Oportunidad benéfica

The goal of this giving opportunity is to support the Red Cross and the Rural Community Assistance Progam in their efforts in the response to the current flooding disaster in Eastern Kentucky.

The American Red Cross responding to this week’s devastating flooding in Kentucky. Trained disaster workers including a few from the NJ region are on the ground, providing shelter, food, and comfort to those affected and urging people to prepare now as the threat of additional flooding continues.

Deadly flooding continues to inundate eastern Kentucky, destroying homes and hindering water rescues in the region. Some areas have already seen more than 10 inches of rain and as much as five additional inches may fall over the next several days, leading to more destruction.

Hundreds of homes are destroyed and damaged roads, downed trees, multiple mudslides, and a strong current are preventing rescuers from reaching some areas. Numerous water systems are down, and more than 23,900 customers are without power. Efforts to restore power and water service are delayed due to the flooding.

Trained Red Cross disaster workers are working alongside state and local partners to aid those affected, and the Red Cross is deploying additional disaster teams and relief supplies to the area. Nine shelters are open where more than 265 people spent Thursday night.

Causas en este Oportunidad benéfica


Washington, District Of Columbia, 20006, United States


Washington, District Of Columbia, 20005-1255, United States

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