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Mercy Corps Disaster Response

Learn more about Xylem Watermark and Mercy Corps' Disaster Response Project

Sobre esta Oportunidad benéfica

Disaster Response

Since 2012, Xylem Watermark has responded to over 30 disasters with emergency dewatering and WASH assistance through our global humanitarian disaster response team and our nonprofit partnerships. 

Together, Mercy Corps and Xylem Watermark support the delivery of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene services to displaced communities following disasters.  In the past, grants and fundrs raised through Xylem Watermark have been used to build and maintain latrines and drinking water sources in displacement camps, to sponsor the distribution of hygiene kits, to provide WASH educacation to communities, and more. 

Learn more about Xylem Watermark's disaster response efforts here

Causas de esta Oportunidad benéfica

Mercy Corps

Portland, Oregon, 97204-3504, United States

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