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Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. - Germany's Relief Coalition


Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Germany's Relief Coalition - is an alliance of 23 German relief organizations. Since 20 years, this alliance provides rapid and effective relief aid in case of a humanitarian crisis or a natural catastrophe. ||| Our mission in German: Aktion Deutschland Hilft ist das starke Bündnis deutscher Hilfsorganisationen, die im Falle einer humanitären Krise oder Naturkatastrophe schnell und effektiv ihre Kräfte bündeln, um den betroffenen Menschen zu helfen. Seit 20 Jahren leisten sie gemeinsam schnelle Hilfe.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft - Germany's Relief Coalition - is an alliance of 23 German relief aid organizations. It was founded in 2001. In case of a humanitarian crisis or a natural catastrophe, the members of this coalition combine their expertise to provide rapid and effective aid. The coalition calls upon solidarity with people in need and asks for donations. These donations help the coalition´s members to provide their relief aid. Their work is certified for a thoughtful and effective ... Leggi tutto

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