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Xylem & UNICEF USA COVID-19 Response Efforts

Informazioni su Opportunità di donazione

Xylem Watermark has launched a new partnership with UNICEF USA, in part to fund their global efforts to support children and families impacted by COVID-19.  

UNICEF USA is engaging in global efforts to address the COVID-19 outbreak, focusing on countries that have weak public health infrastructure and social support systems, including vulnerable regions of Africa & Asia. The pillar of program work will be the provision of critical WASH supplies and improving infection prevention and control through critical WASH community health programs, youth engagement, and the support of sustainable programming.

Together, we can make a difference. You can support UNICEF USA's global efforts here, and your donation will be matched by Xylem Watermark.

Donazione complementare
Cause in Opportunità di donazione

Help Support UNICEF's Response to COVID-19 di UNICEF USA

New York, New York, 10038-4912, United States

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