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Virtual Hike that helps support water4her

Informazioni su Opportunità di donazione

3% Finanziato

US$ 1.840,00

Donati di US$ 50.000,00

The Chris Long Foundation/Waterboy’s main focus is to unit athletes and fans to help provide clean water to 1 million people worldwide. water4Her is a movement to specifically help empower 100,000 women and girls by breaking down barriers to a basic need: access to clean water.

What is Hike4Her: Women and girls around the world spend millions of hours collecting water that is often unsafe to drink.  They may stand in line and wait for water, walk long distances and experience harassment. This is time that would be better spent learning, earning and leading their communities.

The Hike4Her campaign will involve walking a mile in her shoes; essentially carrying a heavy bag to simulate what it is like to carry weight in such areas across the world where in order to obtain clean water a person is required to travel sometimes well beyond a mile.

Cause in Opportunità di donazione

Chris Long Foundation

Clayton, Missouri, 63105, United States

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