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Americares is Responding to Hurricane Beryl in the Caribbean and Texas


Americares is responding to the health needs of hurricane survivors in the Caribbean and the United States after Hurricane Beryl carved a path of destruction from the Windward Islands to Texas in early July.

More than a dozen deaths have been reported in the Caribbean and the United States as survivors begin to clear storm debris and clean up damage from hurricane-force winds and flooding.

In the Caribbean, where the storm at one point reached Category 5 status and sheared roofs off buildings, Americares is focused on restoring health services for children and adults affected by the storm, including those displaced. We are preparing to deliver essential medicines, relief supplies and emergency funding to restore vital health services.

An Americares Emergency Response Team landed in Kingston, Jamaica, within days of the storm to assist the relief efforts.

Americares is closely coordinating with Jamaica’s Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management, the Jamaica Constabulary Force, health facilities and our longstanding partner organization, Food For The Poor, to assist survivors in the most affected communities.

In Texas, three days after the storm, 1.3 million people were still without power amid a stifling heatwave, threatening the health of survivors—especially the elderly and those who rely on electric-powered medical equipment.

Americares is shipping urgently needed medical supplies to partner clinics directly impacted by the storm and in addition, is preparing a shipment containing nearly 1,900 instant cold packs, cots and utility tents for the Salvation Army in Texas.

As more health needs arise throughout the Caribbean and in Texas as a result of Hurricane Beryl, Americares will continue to support with your help.

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