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Global hunger crisis: Give now

작성자 Mercy Corps

A major global food crisis is unfolding as food systems in many countries teeter on the edge of collapse.

Chronic hunger and poverty are increasing at a dramatic pace for the first time in decades. Millions are facing severe food shortages and are at risk of starvation and famine-like conditions, requiring immediate humanitarian assistance. Impacted communities dealing with the rising tide of hunger have been battered by ongoing conflict, climate stresses, and economic setbacks from COVID-19.

Mercy Corps is working around the globe in response to the food and hunger crisis, distributing food, water, hygiene kits, and cash so that families can buy the items they need most. What’s more, as our team responds to hunger, we’re not just focused on providing people with the nutritious food they need to survive right now. We are also collaborating with them to address the issues that are preventing them from growing or buying food in the first place. Whether by improving crop production, supporting peacekeeping efforts, or developing more reliable income sources, Mercy Corps is working together to build a foundation of well-being, so that people can create the secure, productive, and just communities they envision for themselves.

Donate to support Mercy Corps work in more than 40 countries around the globe as we help people and communities prepare for, protect against, and recover from crisis.

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