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$20- Donate a Personal Emergency Hygiene Kit with Mercy Corps

Provide vital hygiene items to a person affected by disaster

이 기부 기회 정보

For $20, Mercy Corps is able to provide a person affected by disaster with an eemergency personal hygiene kit that will help keep them healthy. 

Mercy Corps personal hygiene kits consist of  washing powder, shampoo, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, sanitary pads, a nail clipper, and cotton towels.


If you would like to support Mercy Corps and the displaced communities they serve by donating a hygiene kit, please follow the instructions below.

1. Select the Donate Now button on this page.

2. Input $20 or a multiple of this number to support the cause. 

3. If comfortable, select the box “Share my name and comments”. In the box that appears, type the following items:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Email address

Providing this information will allow your engagement with Xylem Watermark to be recorded.

4. Select your method of payment and continue to the final confirmation page.

5. Check your email to ensure you received a receipt and tax information about your donation.


Learn more at www.mercycorps.org

이 기부 기회의 단쳬

Mercy Corps

Portland, Oregon, 97204-3504, United States

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