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2024 Water Tower Build - Manila Philippines

Fundraising for Manila Water Tower October 2024

이 기부 기회 정보

77% 기금을 받음


US$20,000.00에 대해 기부함

Xylem ANZ are fundraising to purchase & install a Planet Water Community-Scale Water Filtration System in an elementary school in Manila Philippines.

This system will provide approx. 1,800 people per day with clean water access, something they have never experienced before.

Each deployment includes Water-Health and Hygiene Education programs delivered by Planet Water and our Xylem ANZ Team.

We would love you to donate or set up a fundraising activity to help raise money for this cause. Please share with your wider network.

Your donation will help to change the lives of an entire community, forever!


매칭 제안
이 기부 기회의 단쳬

Planet Water Foundation

Phoenix, Arizona, 85050, United States

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