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Croce Rossa Italiana | Italian Red Cross

Roma, Lazio

ENG: The Italian Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the biggest humanitarian organization in the world. Our mission is to prevent and ease suffering in an impartial way, without any discrimination based on race, gender, natonality, religious beliefs, language, class or political preference, supporting the preservation and promotion of human dignity and of a shared culture that celebrates peace rather than violence. IT: La Croce Rossa Italiana è parte del Movimento Internazionale della Croce Rossa e della Mezzaluna Rossa, la più grande rete di volontariato umanitario al mondo. La nostra mission consiste nel prevenire ed alleviare la sofferenza in maniera imparziale, senza distinzione di nazionalità, razza, sesso, credo religioso, lingua, classe sociale o opinione politica, contribuendo al mantenimento e alla promozione della dignità umana e di una cultura della non violenza e della pace.

ENG: The Italian Red Cross is an organisation of private law and public interest, ancillary of public authorities in the humanitarian sector and part of the National System of Civil Protection and is placed under the Patronage of the Italian President of the Republic. Since the organisation is so widely spread across the Country, counting over 149.000 Volunteers and 600 local Committees, the Italian Red Cross is always front line in activities and projects that focus on protecting and ... 자세히 알아보기

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