주요 콘텐츠로 건너뛰기

Supplier Conference- River Tier ($2,000)

By Invite Only- Registrants for the Supplier Conference- Donate Here

이 기부 기회 정보

This donation page is to be used only by those who have recieved an invitation to the supplier conference. 


Donors who contribute at this level will allow our partner Mercy Corps to supply 4 families with 1000-liter water storage tanks, and provide 20 families with emergency personal hygiene kits. 

Water storage tanks prevent contamination, and provide families with regular access to clean water for washing, cooking and drinking.  Family hygiene kits include key hygiene items such as soap, tooth brushes, water containers, and bathing basins.  For displaced families, these items make a huge impact on their health and well-being.

In the event of a disaster, one of the biggest challenges people face is obtaining regular access to clean, safe water and hygiene facilities.  With the help of Xylem Watermark, Mercy Corps delivers clean water and sanitation solutions to displaced communities.  These efforts prevent diseases which can exacerbate the impact of a disaster and make it difficult for communities to rebuild.

Thank you for your generosity to this important cause!



  1. Review the available tiers and select the cause that you would like to contribute to.
  2. Select Donate Now.
  3. Input the amount you would like to donate into the amount field.  It is recommended that you contribute the amount associated with the tier. (Example: Input $1,000 for contributions to the Stream Tier)
  4. Check the box “Share my name and comments”.
  5. Input your name and the name of your company into the Name and Comment boxes. You MUST include this information in order for your donation to be associated with your company.
  6. Select your method of payment and click next.
  7. Input your billing information, review your donation details, and submit the donation.


To sponsor this event at a different tier, use the links below:

Stream ($1,000)

Lake ($5,000)

Ocean ($15,000)



이 기부 기회의 단쳬

Mercy Corps

Portland, Oregon, 97204-3504, United States

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