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Help Americares Build a Healthy Planet this Earth Day!


This Earth Day you can join the fight against climate change while also supporting global health by donating to Americares. A healthier Earth means a healthier us. We know the places we work, live, learn and play determine our wellbeing. So, let’s work together to build a healthy planet for all the people who call it home.

Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity, increasing risks of malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, heat stress and other illnesses. It disproportionately impacts those already facing barriers to good health, people affected by poverty, discrimination and frequent disasters.

Plus, more frequent and intense climate disasters lead to displacement and disruptions in health care, putting access to clean air, safe drinking water, secure housing and food supplies at risk. And trauma and stress from powerful weather events like hurricanes, heatwaves, flooding, droughts, tornadoes and wildfires and their consequences such as loss of property or displacement can lead to depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Americares is bringing together climate and health researchers from academically renowned institutions and connecting them to frontline clinics and communities frequently hit by natural disasters to better understand their climate-related concerns, share technical expertise about climate projections, and identify opportunities to support on-the ground solutions so that clinics and their communities are most prepared for and resilient to climate-related disruptions.

Your donation supports Americares' systems caring for the most vulnerable people, building community resilience to future climate impacts to health and safety.

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