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Support UNICEF Education Globally


Every child has the right to learn. Education transforms lives, breaks the cycle of poverty and provides a pathway to a better future. Yet over 600 million children worldwide are unable to attain minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, even though two thirds of them are in school. For out-of-school children, foundational skills in literacy and numeracy are further from grasp.

Education is one of the smartest investments to support child survival, growth and development. Targeted investments in education lead to higher income, poverty
reduction, and the empowerment of girls, the poor and the excluded. On average, just one additional year of education can increase a child’s earnings later in life by 10 percent.

Children in the poorest, most marginalized communities and situations have the worst
chances to gain an education. Those living in conflict settings and fragile states, refugees
and the internally displaced, children with disabilities, and ethnic minorities are least likely
to get a quality education.

As a result of UNICEF’s education programming:

• 37.9 million out-of-school children accessed education, including 251,565 children with disabilities, 3.1 million children on the move and 18.6 million children in humanitarian settings.
• Learning materials provided by UNICEF reached 28.3 million children, while 85,099 school management committees or similar bodies received training through UNICEF-supported programmes.
• In 2022, UNICEF programmes engaged 16.1 million adolescents across 89 countries, including nearly 345,000 adolescents in humanitarian settings

Your support helps build a world where every child gets a chance to learn, and every child has a shot at a future packed with potential.

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