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Help Support UNICEF's Response to COVID-19


COVID-19 has changed our world. In the 20 months since COVID-19 started to sweep across the globe, we have shared a joint struggle to tackle the pandemic’s impact – on lives, communities and economies – and to find new vaccines, diagnostic tools and treatments that will enable us to collectively control the pandemic. As the largest vaccine procurer in the world, UNICEF joined the global ‘Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator’ (ACT-A): a ground-breaking partnership to ensure the equitable supply of lifesaving vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics to people most at risk, around the world.

As of September 2021, UNICEF has been able to deliver more than 462 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, provide health workers with 4.3 million days’ worth of personal protective equipment and deliver over 600,000 COVID-19 tests to low- and middle-income countries.

Still, there is much more work to be done. By investing in COVID-19 response related efforts, you will provide UNICEF and partners with the operational support needed to address this unprecedented global response, including delivering:
• 165 million therapeutic treatment courses;
• 900 million diagnostic tests; and
• 3 billion vaccine doses.

With your generous support, UNICEF will continue working to ensure children and families receive the supplies and information needed to reduce the impact of this crisis. Every dollar helps:
• $4 can supply 2 COVID-19 vaccine doses to fully vaccinate a person
• $10 can supply 100 pairs of disposable gloves
• $20 can supply 2 COVID-19 rapid diagnostic tests

On behalf of children across the globe, thank you!

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