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Support UNICEF's Response in the State of Palestine


Since the recent and ongoing escalation of the conflict, more than one million children continue to suffer in the midst of the ongoing humanitarian crisis. The surge in hostilities has brought about devastating physical and mental impacts on children and their families. While aid is slowly entering Gaza, it is not enough, and the needs are immense.

Casualties on both sides have been high, including an alarming number of children, demonstrating the grim reality that no child is safe amidst the intense fighting. More than 133,409 Palestinians – around 6 percent of the entire population in Gaza – have been killed or injured, 70% of which are women and children. The entire population of 2.23 million people in Gaza are classified as living in emergency and catastrophic food insecurity phases. According to UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell, all children under five in Gaza — 335,000 — are at high risk of severe malnutrition and preventable death. Famine in Northern Gaza has caused at least 37 recorded cases of tragic and preventable deaths due to malnutrition and starvation. Overcrowding in shelters is causing serious health and protection concerns, with a recent outbreak in polio spreading among displaced peoples. Border closures and the break in law and order throughout the Gaza strip has threatened over two million displaced civilians and negatively impacted availability of humanitarian assistance.

UNICEF is on the ground in Gaza and the West Bank to address the humanitarian needs of children and their families while calling for an immediate ceasefire. Since October 21, UNICEF has transported over 924 trucks into Gaza, reaching over one million affected people, providing life-saving items including essential medical supplies, bottled water, diapers, blankets, tents, WASH dignity kits, nutrition supplements, and humanitarian cash transfers. While these deliveries are key, consistent humanitarian access is critical to continue saving lives.

With your support, UNICEF can continue this critical work for children and families in the State of Palestine during this ongoing conflict.

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