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WASHINGTON, District of Columbia

RCAP is a national network of non-profit organizations working to provide technical assistance, training, resources, and support to rural communities across the United States, tribal lands, and U.S. territories. Federal programs and organizational interests are maintained in the national office in Washington D.C. while state and regional programs and field work are managed through six regional offices. RCAP field staff live and work in the states and communities RCAP serves.

RCAP is a national network of non-profit organizations working to provide technical assistance, training, resources, and support to rural communities across the United States, tribal lands, and U.S. territories. Federal programs and organizational interests are maintained in the national office in Washington D.C. while state and regional programs and field work are managed through six regional offices. RCAP field staff live and work in the states and communities RCAP serves.

Các khoản quyên góp hoạt động ra sao
Nhấp vào nút "Quyên góp ngay" bất kỳ rồi quyết định số tiền quyên góp của bạn. Sau đó, bạn sẽ được chuyển tiếp đến đơn vị xử lý khoản thanh toán mà bạn lựa chọn. Sau khi được xử lý, khoản quyên góp của bạn sẽ được gửi đến tổ chức từ thiện mà bạn chọn.

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