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Planet Water Foundation

Phoenix, Arizona

Planet Water Foundation is devoted to providing access to safe drinking water to impoverished communities. Through the installation of our community-based water filtration systems, handwashing infrastructures, and the implementation of our Water-Health & Hygiene Education programs, we direct our attention to two critical areas: supporting schools, children, and local communities in the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions, as well as the provision of safe drinking water in the aftermath of natural disasters worldwide. Our Mission To transform the health and well-being of people in the world’s most impoverished communities through providing access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene education.

Since 2009, Planet Water has deployed more than 1,900 projects that provide clean water access to more than 4 million people across 28 countries.

Planet Water focuses on the following approaches to support environmental and behavioral changes related to clean water access and knowledge and practices around water-health and hygiene among participating communities:

Planet Water projects create access to clean drinking water by deploying ... Đọc thêm

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