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Xylem Watermark Nonprofit Partner: EarthEcho

Giới thiệu về Cơ hội quyên tặng này

In 2018, EarthEcho engaged over 53,500 people in 33 countries in monitoring their local bodies of water and sharing their water quality data through the EarthEcho Water Challenge. Over 22,500 of these participants took action beyond monitoring by leading projects and initiatives to protect water resources in their communities. With support from Xylem Watermark, EarthEcho distributed 4,039 water testing kits worldwide for use by individuals and organizations. A total of 787 Xylem employees worked with EarthEcho to lead education and water monitoring activities directly reaching 4,076 community members. Additionally, 20 young leaders (ages 13-20) led water quality events in their home communities, reaching over 1,000 people as EarthEcho's inaugural cohort of Water Challenge Ambassadors—a new initiative sponsored by Xylem Watermark.

Mục đích thiện nguyện trong Cơ hội quyên tặng này


Washington, District Of Columbia, 20037-1657, United States

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