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Rebuilding Together Houston - Winter Storm Repairs

Supporting repairs to restore water access for low income residents of Houston

Giới thiệu về Cơ hội quyên tặng này

Following the devastating winter storms in Texas, Rebuilding Together Houston is stepping up and providing free emergency plumbing repairs to stop leaks and restore water service to low-income homeowners in underserved communities.

Xylem Watermark is supporting this important work through a matching fundraiser.  All funds donated through this page will be matched by Xylem Watermark at a rate of 1:1, up to $25,000.  Join us!

Rebuilding Together Houston is the only organization in the Houston region whose primary work is repair.  They enlist community volunteers and licensed contractors to repair the homes of low-income elderly, U.S. Military Veterans, homeowners with disabilities, and working families in need.

They work to improve the safety and structural integrity of homes that are passed from generation to generation, and help to retain the character of Houston neighborhoods by keeping families in communities that they helped to build.

Interested in learning more? Visit

Interested in volunteering with Rebuilding Houston?  Beginning Spring 2021, volunteers will be welcome to contribute to outdoor, socially distant projects to repair home exteriors. If you are located near the Houston area and interested in getting a group involved in a volunteer project, contact 


Mục đích thiện nguyện trong Cơ hội quyên tặng này


Houston, Texas, 77220-5315, United States

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