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The Open Door - Mulcahy Fundraising Event 2024

Helping a local food pantry help feed the community, with a focus on Growing Gardens.

Giới thiệu về Cơ hội quyên tặng này

1% Đã tài trợ

580,00 US$

Đã quyên góp trong 30.000,00 US$

The Open Door is a hunger relief organization dedicated to ending local hunger through access to healthy food. One of their sustainable programs is called Garden to Table. This helps by eliminating hunger and promotes improved access to fresh garden produce for families in need of food support through 1) adoptable plots—garden plots, seeds, plants, and tools are available for food shelf clients at no cost and 2) giving gardens—churches, schools and businesses provide fresh garden produce for the Pantry.

Đề nghị đóng góp tương ứng
Mục đích thiện nguyện trong Cơ hội quyên tặng này


Eagan, Minnesota, 55121, United States

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