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Supporting the Our Redeemer Students

A fundraiser to support the mission of Our Redeemer School

Giới thiệu về Cơ hội quyên tặng này

84% Đã tài trợ

25.348,00 US$

Đã quyên góp trong 30.000,00 US$

The BBQ Cookoff is Our Redeemer Lutheran School's largest fundraiser, which raises funds to provide the school and students with essential needs for their academic and athletic learning. 

With COVID-19 postponing the Cookoff until further notice, this online fundraiser is intended to ensure there is no negative financial impact on the school and students. Money raised from this will help provide essential technology needs, including chromebooks and classroom smart boards and a variety of athletic needs, such as equipment, uniforms, game fees and more. 

Here is a small glimpse on the impact Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with School has on the students and staff:

Mục đích thiện nguyện trong Cơ hội quyên tặng này


Delavan, Wisconsin, 53115, United States

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